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How blended learning is impacting the workplace

This week is Learning at Work Week 2022, an annual event that encourages businesses and employees to embrace new techniques to maximise the impact training has on development. The theme is ‘Learning Uncovered’ which stresses the importance of deepening knowledge and engaging teams in learning. One trend that is significantly growing in L&D is blended learning. It’s starting to push its way into business strategies and HR teams are reaping the rewards. But what is blended learning and how can you include this as part of your L&D strategy?


What is blended learning?

As suggested by its name, blended learning is an approach that uses a variety of methods to deliver learning to employees, combining physical interaction with online activities. It mixes traditional face-to-face training with eLearning and virtual training with employees encouraged to utilise the top features of each. The concept aims to mix techniques to allow for personalisation of training to meet the needs of learners and organisations.


Why the sudden rise?

Blended learning is not a new concept; it has been around since digital technology found its way into training and education. But as technology has developed, HR teams have been spoiled by the vast selection of options when it comes to choosing training, with experts searching for the perfect mix.

The pandemic has had a major impact on this. Teams have adapted to a new structure and working remotely has become the norm for many, so the demand for eLearning and virtual training has risen dramatically. With a shifting emphasis on upskilling, businesses have had to adapt their training strategies to align with employees’ desires.


The benefits of a blended learning approach

If implemented correctly, a blended learning programme is a very powerful tool for HR Managers. It pulls standout features from each approach and streamlines them for a ‘best of both worlds’ strategy.

Blended learning leads to more engagement in training across employees due to the flexibility it provides. A more engaged team means quicker knowledge acquisition and an improvement in retaining information. This benefits both the learner and the business, as less time is spent on training which results in improved efficiency.

Online workshops, interactive text documents, tutorial videos and micro-assessments mean we can say goodbye to the times of powerpoint presentations. In an article from olano, they have identified how to change your learning method when developing a blended learning strategy.


Personalise your training

All employees learn in different ways and there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach that works for everybody. Employees are people and people’s individual needs are unique to them, so learning needs to be tailored to how they learn most effectively.

One employee may find face-to-face training more useful than eLearning, while another will learn more effectively by watching tutorial videos. The variety that blended learning provides means you can personalise strategies to get the most out of your training.


Where do you start?

The first step should be an analysis of your current training resources. Be honest when assessing and ask for feedback from employees on how effective your process is. Is your business still using paper documents to monitor training and assess the progress of employees? Then it’s time to invest in a learning management system that manages all training centrally.


Providing your employees with a system that supports their learning is essential for HR teams in the modern world. You may not land on a blended learning approach that works initially, so monitor what works for employees and adapt accordingly. But if your business takes the patient approach and is willing to embrace new technologies, you will be successful in building an effective blended learning strategy for your people.


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