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Celebrating World Menopause Day: Activities to Empower Women

World Menopause Day, observed on October 18th, is an opportunity to celebrate women and raise awareness about the challenges they face during menopause. This significant life transition can be challenging, but with the right support and understanding, women can navigate this period with grace and confidence.

The theme for 2023 is cardiovascular health. The risk of heart disease increases with menopause, and raising awareness can literally save lives. Here are some empowering activity ideas that can help women embrace their journey through menopause and create a sense of community and understanding in your workplace.

Educational Workshops for Women

Host an educational workshop that covers a range of topics, including understanding menopause, managing symptoms, maintaining mental well-being, and adopting a healthy lifestyle to support overall wellness. Providing women with accurate information can empower them to make informed decisions about their health and equip them to have positive conversations at work.

Get line managers trained about menopause

The best way to break a stigma is to normalise it. If line managers understand the potential impact of menopause on individuals at work, they will be able to have positive conversations about making reasonable adjustments and signposting employees to get the support they need.

Yoga and Meditation Classes

Yoga and meditation are excellent practices for managing stress, improving flexibility, and promoting relaxation. Organize yoga and meditation classes specifically tailored for menopausal women at your workplace. These activities can help women connect with their bodies, alleviate symptoms like hot flashes, and enhance their overall sense of well-being. Stress also plays a big part in cardiovascular health, and stress-busting activities will go a long way to cultivate overall well-being.

Art Therapy Sessions

Art therapy can be a powerful way for women to express their emotions and cope with the changes they experience during menopause. Organize art therapy sessions where women can engage in creative activities like painting, drawing, or crafting. Creative expression can provide a sense of catharsis and help women embrace their feelings and thoughts. Again, there is a real stress-relief element in this type of mindful creative practice to support heart health.

Menopause Support Groups

Create a safe space where women can share their experiences, concerns, and triumphs. Menopause support groups offer a sense of community and understanding, allowing women to connect with others going through similar experiences. These groups can be held in person or virtually, providing women with a platform to discuss their challenges and seek advice from others who understand their journey. A group like this at work can be a safe place for women to get support, information and share their experiences, adding to a positive and inclusive corporate culture.

Nutrition and Cooking Workshops

Menopause-friendly nutrition and cooking workshops can empower women to make healthier food choices and prepare delicious meals that support their overall health. There is a lot of research about the importance of diet in managing menopausal symptoms. A workshop can be a great place to start someone on a journey of discovery in this area and promote heart health at the same time.

Arrange a lunchtime walk and talk

By staying active, women can improve their cardiovascular health, boost their mood, and manage weight, which are all essential aspects of a healthy menopausal journey. Getting out into the open air will also aid Vitamin D production. Walking is a low-impact way to mobilise joints, aid muscle tone and improve cardiovascular fitness – All of these are important to ensure heart health too. Plus there is a lot of social benefits to be gained from moving together as a group, building connections and aiding overall wellbeing. And the best part of it all – there is no cost involved!


World Menopause Day is an opportunity to celebrate the strength and resilience of women as they navigate the challenges of menopause. By engaging in empowering activities, women can gain valuable knowledge, find emotional support, and adopt healthy lifestyle habits that enhance their overall well-being.

Please do get in touch with Cathy if you are looking for ways to embrace this day to uplift the women and menopausal people in your workplace. She can offer guidance, training on menopause related issues, offer yoga and mindfulness sessions, and work with you to ensure that all your employees benefit from an open and inclusive working environment.

Cathy RichardsonCathy Richardson spent most of her successful 30 year career in HR Consultancy and coaching in a hard sales environment. During this time, she helped over 2,000 individual salespeople, teams and senior managers to make better decisions to be successful in achieving their targets and career aspirations. Through her own early surgical menopause, she discovered yoga as a means to deal with her own wide-ranging symptoms, leading to a Master’s qualification as a yoga therapist. Now, Cathy is a menopause coach and workplace trainer, supporting businesses and individuals to ensure positive conversations and useful policies that retain women in the workplace

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